Industry News for Kinas Medical Technologies

Marietta, Georgia 30067
(404) 386-9865
ATLANTA, GA: Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies (AMT) and Focus-It officially announce their new name, KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES. A singular, unifying brand was needed to support the business’s recent growth, increased partnerships, and multiple solutions within the human health and animal health industries. The new name replaces “FOCUS IT” which was founded in 2000 for the animal health industry and Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies (AMT) which was founded shortly after with FDA approval of shock wave therapy for human health applications. KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES is now the singular brand with two divisions: Human Health and Animal Health, each with its own product lines.
With 30 years of experience specializing in shock wave technologies, the team behind the family-owned and operated KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES will continue as a leader in the U.S shock wave industry providing personal support for the successful implementation of technologies in animal and human health. KINAS MEDICAL will continue to offer the highest quality products powered by STORZ MEDICAL including the KINAS MEDICAL signature product brand, The Miracle Wave® Line.
Executive Statements
Gerhard Kinas, Founder and Chief Executive Officer - “We are excited to see how the U.S. market has expanded in our last 20 years and delighted to evolve and grow with it as KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES. As a family-owned and operated business, it is the dedication to our core values and a customer-centric focus that brought us this far and will carry us forward as we continue delivering superior products, services, and support to our partners. With the flexibility and support of a family business and the resources and product standards usually found with large suppliers - our new branding offers partners a clear indication of the level of technology and service to expect under one trusted family name.”
Merri-Edna Milano Kinas, Chief Operating Officer - “Developing a rapport within our industry requires clarity and trust in the products and support we provide. Using a singular company brand offers partners the security of knowing exactly who is providing the product, support, and information they need, as well as delivering high-quality standards that the Kinas family is known for. The KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES name encapsulates the trusted team of real people behind the business and reflects our passion in providing innovative, noninvasive technology that amplifies healing.
A Solid Foundation for Future Growth
KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES represents the foundation of 30 years of shock wave expertise built with the Focus It and Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies brands. Founder and CEO, Gerhard Kinas has been involved with shock wave therapy research, expansion, and evolution since the early 1990s. Born and educated in Germany – which is considered the birthplace of shock wave technology – Kinas holds a degree in medical technology. He began his career at STORZ MEDICAL AG, a Swiss shock wave technology manufacturing company that is well-known for its research, development, and expansion of shock wave therapy technology - its applications and benefits.
In 2000, Kinas founded a shock wave technology-based company for animal health called FOCUS IT, and later added Advanced Musculoskeletal Therapies for human health with the FDA approval of shock wave therapy for human application.
Today, the Kinas family and dedicated staff serve more than 1,000 shockwave therapy practitioners across 48 states. These practitioners have expanded in variety, too: KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES works with athletic trainers, chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, medical doctors, veterinarians, and other animal and human healthcare-related providers that are looking to provide a non-invasive, clinically proven, and cost-effective solution for their patients and practices.
As previously mentioned, KINAS MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES is now the singular brand with two divisions: Human Health and Animal Health, each with its own product lines. Company websites, product literature, and all media profiles signify this change and offer instant recognition for partners looking for a proven and trusted resource in shock wave technology.
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