Industry News for Biotics Research Corp.

Rosenberg, Texas 77471-5755
Contact: Debra Fish
Biotics Research Corporation
6801 Biotics Research Drive
Rosenberg, Texas 77471
Phone: 800-231-5777
Biotics Research Supports Healthy Blood Pressure with Launch of Bio-CardioSirt BP™
Rosenberg, TX – July 9th, 2013 – Biotics Research Corporation, the industry leader in combining “The Best of Science and Nature™” in the development of superior nutritional supplements, recently launched Bio-CardioSirt BP™ in its efforts to support healthy blood pressure for patients through its extensive network of healthcare professionals.
"We were thrilled to work with Dr. Mark Houston, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Director of the Hypertension Institute and Vascular Biology at Saint Thomas Hospital, in the development of Bio-CarioSirt BP™," commented Denis DeLuca, President of Biotics Research. "Blood pressure increases with age, and unfortuantely affects a large percentage of the population. Working with Dr. Houston in performing clincial trials, we're able to bring a supplement to our family of healthcare professionals that is clinically proven to support healthy blood pressure for their patients."
The blend of micronutrients found in Bio-CardioSirt BP™, which is both gluten free and dairy free, was the subject of the clinical study, and was recently featured in the Integrative Medicine Clinician's Journal (IMCJ), a peer-reviewed journal. The study by Dr. Houston was conducted to evalualte the benefits of specific nutrients in lowering blood pressure in individuals with hypertension.
"The results of the study found that the intake of the specific blend of nutrients can aid in the regulation of blood pressure in individuals with hypertension," (1) said Daryl DeLuca, Vice President of Biotics Research. "With millions of people suffering from hypertension, many of whom don't even realize they have it, every patient's blood pressure should be checked when visiting a heatlhcare professional. Bio-CardioSirt BP™ can help healthcare professionals have a substantial impact on their patients' health."
Bio-CardioSirt BP™ supplies a uniqe, patent-pending combination of 7 key micronutrients that have been clinically proven to support normal, healthy blood pressure levels, and can be ordered directly from Biotics Research Corporation or through their authorized network of regional distributors.
(1) Houston, MC, Sparks, WS. Combination Nutraceutical Supplement Lowers Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Individuals. Integrative Medicine. Vol. 12, No. 3, June 2013.
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About Biotics Research Corporation
Biotics Research Corporation has been a leading manufacturer of specially designed nutritional supplements for over 37 years. Our mission remains constant: to be the benchmark of excellence in nutritional science, technology and service, providing the clinician with reliable, innovative products of superior quality as well as the highest level of customer service. Visit