Industry News for NCMIC Insurance Company

Clive, Iowa 50325
800-769-2000 ext. 3569
Did you know only about 8 percent of Americans seek chiropractic care? As a D.C., you naturally may be concerned about the profession's market share and would like to see this number increase.
But are you also aware what this number could mean to a Doctor of Chiropractic in the courtroom? A jury of your "peers" may mean 11 out of 12 jurors may have never even been to a D.C.
So doctors may face a jury that doesn't "get" chiropractic ... may have a difficult time understanding chiropractic terms and approaches to treatment ... and may even have biases against D.C.s.
This can be a real problem for doctors who are defended by companies specializing in medical malpractice insurance–who may not know much about chiropractic and without the experience and resources to defend D.C.s to the fullest.
Fortunately, for doctors insured by NCMIC, we know what it takes to increase the chances of proving your innocence ... experienced claims staff focused on chiropractic ... a stockpile of advanced defense tools to explain your side of the story ... attorneys specially trained in chiropractic malpractice defense ... and nearly 60 years' experience in chiropractic malpractice protection.
If you don't already have your malpractice coverage with NCMIC and want to have a team experienced in chiropractic on your side–call NCMIC today for a no-obligation quote at 1-800-769-2000, ext. 3625. Or, click here to request a quote online.
NCMIC covers all the bases, so you can let our trained chiropractic litigation consultants and attorneys worry about jury members who have never been to a D.C.