Industry News for NCMIC Insurance Company

Clive, Iowa 50325
800-769-2000 ext. 3569
- Chiropractic-specific expert attorneys who have attended ongoing education, sponsored by NCMIC, on chiropractic techniques, contemporary clinical updates and varying legal approaches to defend allegations.,
- Chiropractic-specific claim representatives who are well-versed in chiropractic issues, clinical information and legal procedures.
- Chiropractic-specific litigation strategies and knowledge of how to present and defend chiropractors in court.
Back in 1946, NCMIC was formed by a group of chiropractors with the express purpose of offering malpractice insurance to Doctors of Chiropractic at a time when no one else would.
What does this mean to you today? Because our defining mission is "We Take Care of Our Own®," you can rest assured that chiropractors are as special to us today as they were more than 60 years ago.
Among other things, our 60 years of defending chiropractors means if you're one of our more than 36,000 policyholders, you'll immediately benefit from six decades of expertise in ...
One example of NCMIC's focus on chiropractic is the legal defense conference hosts to bring together defense attorneys from across the country to focus on chiropractic malpractice issues and the defense of NCMIC policyholders. That way when we assign a case to an attorney to represent a D.C., the attorney will know the latest issues, cases and litigation strategies.
What this means is that NCMIC doesn't have to start from square one when you have a claim. Before you even call us, we're constantly updating our chiropractic information, plans and strategies. So the minute we take your call, we're ready to tackle the specifics of your case and defend you to the fullest.
Is Supporting the Profession Really Necessary?
Some have asked us: "Does NCMIC really need to support the profession?" We answer with an unqualified "yes." As you know, the challenges of being a D.C. have not ended in today's environment. And we believe only through working together will the profession continue to survive and thrive.
So, over the past 13 years, we've provided 10 million dollars to chiropractic research, resulting in greater acceptance from third-party payers and government programs. Some of this research money has been provided for preceptorships, which allow D.C.s to seek dual careers in specific research areas. NCMIC believes building the cadre of future researchers is critical to the survival and advancement of the profession.
Without NCMIC's support, many of the current advancements in research would not have been possible. NCMIC has been a contributor to the National Legal Action Fund to help continue the fight for chiropractors' rights and to end discriminatory practices against D.C.s.
To help state associations and chiropractic colleges, NCMIC provides nationally known risk management speakers at no cost to the association or school. NCMIC pays all speakers' costs, including travel.
And to ensure the future of our profession, we provide business training for chiropractic students. This year, we'll be on every chiropractic college campus teaching the business side of running a successful practice, holding risk management programs and participating in college-sponsored events.
NCMIC has been in the forefront of providing cutting-edge information relative to chiropractic today. Our sixty years in chiropractic has given us the expertise to evaluate malpractice trends and share this information with D.C.s through written materials, such as the Examiner, monographs, our Web site and seminars.
In this way, we help our D.C.s prepare in advance to avoid bad outcomes and provide patients with the best possible care. Is there more to do? Of course, there is! It will take all of us pulling together to make a differenceÑover the next 60 years and beyond!
If you don't already have your malpractice coverage with NCMIC, call us today for a no-obligation quote at 1-800-769-2000, ext. 4179 or visit us online at
We Take Care of Our Own is a registered service mark of NCMIC Group, Inc. © 2007 NCMIC Group, Inc. All rights reserved.