Industry News for Standard Process Inc

Palmyra, Wisconsin 53156
Event focuses on solutions to the common problems female veterans face when they return home
PALMYRA, Wis. (June 7, 2011) — Whole food supplement manufacturer Standard Process Inc. took a leadership role in the "She's Back, But She's Not the Same" conference held at the University of Nevada Las Vegas May 25 and 26. The 2nd Annual Conference on Combat Trauma and Addiction focused on seeking solutions to the common problems that returning female veterans face when returning home from service. The problems include post-traumatic stress and mental health disorders, substance use disorders, military sexual trauma, family dynamics, homelessness, and physical health issues.
Standard Process sponsored three of the speakers on the physical health panel to help educate the audience on alternative care options. "The Physical Health panel provided practical solutions, and, most importantly, it inspired hope that there is something our veterans can do to improve their lives," said Conference Chairwoman Judi Kosterman, Ph.D. "Our attendees were absolutely passionate about this panel and the actionable information the speakers provided!"
Lynn Lafferty, PharmD, ND, who presented a case on a young veteran female officer with post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and adrenal fatigue was encouraged by the participants' response. "Many participants stated they did not know about whole food supplements and the role of food in their health," said Lafferty. "Several told me that the panel discussion motivated them to seek health care professionals trained in Standard Process products to help them with their health issues."
Carol Ann Malizia, DC, another panelist said, "The heaviness of the staggering issues of combat traumas, scars seen and unseen, was balanced by the enthusiasm and hope that the solution-oriented panel provided with whole food nutrition at the center of the solution."
The panel was moderated by retired Brig. Gen. Rebecca Halstead, an advocate for chiropractic and whole food nutrition, who was also the capstone luncheon speaker. Halstead shared her personal experiences with the physical health challenges that she endured while serving in the U.S. Army, and she attested how chiropractic and whole food nutrition helped her. "Some families like to solve their problems within the family rather than seeking outside resources for help," Halstead said. "For us, the Department of Defense is our family, and we're naturally inclined to work within this family for help. It's time to harness the power of outside resources and look for alternative solutions. I use Standard Process products daily because they work, and I have a renewed quality of life to prove it!"
Standard Process manufactures whole food supplements, sold through health care professionals, to provide specific, nutritional support for patients. Whole food ingredients grown on Standard Process' company-owned, certified organic farm are used in the company's supplements.
For additional information about Standard Process' organic farming practices and whole food supplements, visit
About Standard Process Inc.
For more than 80 years, Standard Process, headquartered in Palmyra, Wis., has provided health care professionals with high-quality, nutritional whole food supplements. Standard Process offers more than 300 products through three product lines: Standard Process whole food supplements, Standard Process Veterinary Formulas and MediHerb herbal supplements. The products are available only through health care professionals.
Standard Process is involved in every step of production. The company grows crops on company-owned, organically certified farmland, utilizes state-of-the-art manufacturing processes, and employs the highest quality control standards. Standard Process strictly adheres to the Food and Drug Administration's good manufacturing practice requirements. Through these measures, Standard Process can ensure that its products are of the utmost quality and potency. Standard Process was recently named a Top 100 Workplace in Southeastern Wisconsin.
For additional information about Standard Process, visit