Industry News for Foot Levelers

Roanoke, Virginia 24012-5725
June 1, 2011- Roanoke, Va. - Foot Levelers hosted a continuing education seminar this past February in Dallas, Texas to donate battle funds to the Texas Chiropractic Association's (TCA) ongoing fight against the Texas Medical Association (TMA).
All proceeds from the seminar – $10,519 – will help pay legal fees related to an appeal and lobby changes in the Texas Chiropractic Act that will better serve the profession.
In the lawsuit, TMA seeks to limit the scope of practice of chiropractors. TCA is battling the case alongside the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners.
At the seminar, Foot Levelers provided TCA a unique opportunity to speak to the profession and its peers directly. The seminar was a great tool to educate attendees about the lawsuit and pull the doctors together to develop working relationships with TCA and industry leaders like Foot Levelers.
"The members of the Texas Chiropractic Association are profoundly grateful to Foot Levelers for their ongoing help in our battle against the medical monopoly," said Dr. Ed Fritsch, President of the TCA. "Foot Levelers provided not only a well-balanced learning experience; it also provided a forum to educate the chiropractic profession about the pending litigation and the jeopardy that litigation provides. As President of the Texas Chiropractic Association, it is my honor to extend the thanks of this association to Kent Greenawalt and Foot Levelers for their ongoing support of the chiropractic profession!"
The seminar offered 16 hours of continuing education credits for specific hours that are required by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. TCA applied for and was granted permission to certify those hours by the state regulatory agency for all its required CEU credits for the year.
"This was a fight we had to be involved in. Any organization that attempts to limit our scope of practice is hurting our patients and profession," said Kent Greenawalt, President and CEO of Foot Levelers. "To sit on the sidelines is not an option. I urge everyone in Texas and all chiropractors to get involved. It's the right thing to do."